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Hayes Realty Real Estate Podcast

Jul 20, 2021

A lot of times when purchasing a home we want the fully remolded house but what happens if the work was done un-permitted? Tune in today to see what to do if the work is done without permits.

Call Hayes Realty 1-800-217-0034


Doctor Jarret

EH3 Coffee (promo code EH3) or...

Jul 13, 2021

Poor financial planning is one of the main reasons gentrification happens in urban neighborhoods. Tune in today as we break this subject down.

Call Hayes Realty 800-217-0034


If you will be in the Philadelphia, PA area July 16 and 17th you should attend Doctor Jarret's Licensed to Live Conference. Go to

Jul 6, 2021

Everyone always wants to know when is the best time to buy a home. One thing you should not do is try to guess the market. Tune in today to find out when is right time to buy.
Call Hayes Realty 800-217-0034
Attend Doctor Jarret's Licensed to Live Conferece July 16 &17. Register at use...